At Canis we offer a Teeth Cleaning brushing programme for your dog. We use an Emmi-Pet ultrasonic Toothbrush (see Benefits below). Used regularly:
- It combats gingivitis and periodontitis
- Fights oral cavity diseases
- Kills oral bacteria
- Prevents and removes plaque and tartar build-up
- Ideal for elderly dogs that cannot have an anaesthetic
- Ideal as a preventive treatment for puppies and young dogs who have not yet developed excessive plaque and tartar
- Cleans gums up to 12 mm deep with gentle ultrasound waves, no brushing necessary
- Non invasive
- Completely silent
- No anaesthetic or sedation is needed
- Used regularly it is a preventative treatment for teeth and gum disease
- £40.00 for first consultation (includes personal brush head); upto 30 minutes subject to dog's tolerance
- £20.00 for each maintenance session if with a groom - upto 15 minutes
- £25.00 for each maintenance session where the dog is not being groomed
- Replacement brushes - £10.00 each
Be aware that some dental issues may require veterinary intervention and we will refer you if we see a concern. A selection of toothpastes is available to purchase for brushing at home, which we recommend that you do every other day to help in the prevention of plaque and tartar.